Ms Khalia Primer (SA) at AHA 2022

Khalia Primer is a final year University of Adelaide PhD candidate, based at the South Australian Health and Medical Research Institute.

With the support of the Cardiac Society’s Travelling Fellowship, she attended the 2022 AHA Scientific Sessions conference which was held in Chicago from the 5-7 November.

Khalia presented some key findings from her PhD project in the ATVB Elaine W. Raines Early Career Award session, which also included presenters from Canada, the United States, and the United Kingdom.

“It was such a fantastic experience to present my work in this forum. I received a lot of extremely useful feedback from the ATVB Early Career committee who organised the session, and it was wonderful to meet the other presenters as well.

I presented my work on how diabetes affects endothelial cell metabolism, and on a novel gene therapy our lab has created to augment metabolic reprogramming and improve angiogenesis in ischaemic disease.

I’m extremely grateful to my supervisors, Associate Professor Christina Bursill and Dr Joanne Tan for encouraging me to attend the conference, and for all their support throughout my PhD. Thank you also to the Cardiac Society of Australia and New Zealand for their support in assisting me to attend the AHA conference in November.

I’m definitely hoping to go to Adelaide for the ASM next year! I’m moving to Melbourne for medical school but I always love the CSANZ meetings so I’m really hoping to stay involved.”

See Khalia’s abstract:
“Pyruvate Dehydrogenase Kinase 4 is a Novel Regulator of Endothelial Cell Mitochondrial Respiration in Diabetes-Impaired Angiogenesis: Implications for Preventing Diabetic Vascular Complications” in AHA’s Journal, Circulation