Dr Stephanie Rowe,
Cardiologist at St Vincent’s Hospital, Melbourne

I was fortunate to be awarded the 2023 CSANZ ESC Travelling Fellowship which allowed me to
attend my first in-person major international meeting. This year, the conference was held in
Amsterdam, The Netherlands.

I am a Cardiologist at St Vincent’s Hospital Melbourne and in my first year of my PhD. I was excited
to present my abstract as a moderated poster in the session ‘What more do I need to know about
the athlete’s heart?’

My research was entitled ‘Cardiac remodelling in male and female athletes: An MRI assessment of cardiac size and its impact on cardiorespiratory fitness’ and focussed on the strong positive relationship between increasing cardiac size and fitness in elite endurance athletes.

It was wonderful to meet our international collaborators in person as well as having the opportunity
to network with leaders in our field. I particularly enjoyed the sessions on sports cardiology and
cardiac genetics. The biggest takeaway for me was the new ESC guidelines for the management of
cardiomyopathies which highlighted the important role of genetic testing and counselling. Outside
of the conference, it was lovely to have the opportunity to explore Amsterdam and the surrounding

I am very grateful to the CSANZ for giving me this opportunity and supporting me in my PhD
studies. This experience has helped expand my international network, and really inspired me for the
coming years of my PhD.

Stephanie’s abstract presented can be found on ESC365 link below:
Cardiac remodelling in male and female athletes: An MRI assessment of cardiac size and its
impact on cardiorespiratory fitness. https://esc365.escardio.org/presentation/267908