The Trials of Grant Writing by Prof Julie Redfern

Julie Redfern is a Professor of Public Health in the Faculty of Medicine and Health at the University of Sydney. A practicing physiotherapist, Julie holds a NHMRC Career Development Fellowship, is Co-Chair of the CSANZ Clinical and Preventative Cardiology Council, a Member of Education Trust and ACOR Board. From 2009-2016 she was the Chair of the Allied Health Council and represented that group on the Board for those 6 years. She has been awarded over $30 million in peer reviewed grants and published over 180 peer reviewed manuscripts in high-ranking journals. 

In 2020 Julie was Chief Investigator of the team who was awarded an inaugural $5 million NHMRC Synergy Grant for a project that will reform cardiac rehabilitation and care for people with heart disease. 

The project: Solving the long-standing evidence-practice gap associated with cardiac rehabilitation and secondary prevention of coronary heart disease (SOLVE-CHD). The goal of the project is to modernise after-hospital care, provide the best quality support to more patients and reduce the number of people who die or have to be readmitted to hospital. 

Grant Writing – A Personal Reflection by Prof Julie Redfern  

Prof Peter Kistler – 2020 RT Hall Winner

Learn more about Prof Peter Kistler’s career journey, his work at The Alfred and Baker Research Institute, and his thoughts about being a RT Hall Prize Winner…

Prof Peter Kistler leads the Electrophysiology Program at The Alfred Hospital and The Baker Heart and Diabetes Institute. Over the past decade Peter has developed the clinical program into one of the highest profile groups nationally and internationally. 

He is now recognized as one of the leading international figures in the management of atrial arrhythmias. In parallel with his success as a leading EP clinician, Prof Kistler has assembled outstanding track record of research output. He has published a substantial portfolio of research papers including many at the highest levels in Circulation, JACC and European Heart Journal. 

As a component of his clinical and research work, Peter has been a consistent supervisor of PhD candidates undertaking advanced EP training and research. Many of these graduates have already gone on to substantial appointments in major academic centres.

“It is a great honour to receive the RT Hall Prize from the CSANZ and humbling to join the ranks of previous winners who have made outstanding contributions to cardiology.”

Read more about Prof Peter Kistler’s career journey, his work at The Alfred and Baker Research Institute, and his thoughts about being a RT Hall Prize Winner.  

Biotronik : Ilesto™, Inventra™, Iperia™, Itrevia™, Ilivia™, Intica™, Intica Neo™ ICDs and CRT-Ds distributed since 2013 (21 March 2021)

Potential for lithium plating in battery that may cause a battery drain at a higher rate than under typical use. 

ANZCDACC Safety Alert Notice 21 March 2021 (Download pdf)

Device: Biotronik:  Ilesto™, Inventra™, Iperia™, Itrevia™, Ilivia™, Intica™, Intica Neo™ ICDs and CRT-D implanted since 2013

TGA Reference: RC-2021-RN-00667-1

Abbott / St Jude Medical Assurity ™ and Endurity ™ Pacemakers (15 March 2021)

Incomplete epoxy mixing causing moisture into header, causing loss of telemetry, reduced longevity, loss of pacing and shorter ERI to EOS time

ANZCDACC Field Safety Notice 15 March 2021

Download as pdf


A subset of Abbott / St Jude Medical Assurity™ and Endurity™ Pacemakers
Models: PM1160, PM1172, PM1240, PM1272, PM2160, PM2172, PM2240, PM2260*, PM2272

TGA Reference: RC-2021-RN-00728-1
Australian Register of Therapeutic Goods (ARTG): 216288, 267515, 216284, 267512, 216289, 267514, 216285, 216287*, 267513
*TGA listing cancelled in June 2019

CSANZ 2020: R T Hall Lecture

Dr Paul Ridker, Director, Center For Cardiovascular Disease Prevention
Brigham and Women’s Hospital

RT Hall Lecture:  100 years from C-reactive protein to anti-cytokine therapy for atherosclerosis: A history of discovery

(Click above link to view)


Over the past 25 years, Dr. Paul Ridker has been collaboratively responsible for elucidating the critical role of inflammation in the detection, prevention, and treatment of cardiovascular diseases. Best known for his pioneering population biology work on inflammatory biomarkers such as high-sensitivity CRP and interleukin-6, the first demonstrations of the anti-inflammatory effects of statins, the guideline changing JUPITER trial in 2008, and ultimately through the CANTOS interleukin-1b inhibition trial in 2017. 

Dr. Ridker’s work has led to a fundamental shift in our understanding of atherosclerosis and to the first proof that targeted anti-cytokine therapies can lower cardiovascular event rates in the absence of lipid lowering. Insights from his group that the magnitude of inflammation inhibition directly relates to the magnitude of clinical benefit has spawned a novel class of cardiovascular therapeutics, led to the clinical recognition that “residual inflammatory risk” is a separate and distinct entity from “residual cholesterol risk”, and opened an entirely novel approach to the treatment of inflammatory lung cancers. 

Spanning the fields of epidemiology, vascular biology, population genetics, public health, preventive medicine, and clinical trials, Dr. Ridker’s career-long focus on inflammatory mechanisms of disease has advanced a controversial concept into a proven clinical intervention. Few clinical investigators have had as much translational influence at the bench, the bedside, and on guidelines for the prevention and treatment of cardiovascular disease.

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