Figure 1

A 72 year old woman presents with palpitations and pre-syncope. Initial ECG is shown (Figure 1):

Figure 2

A Valsalva manoeuvre is attempted and subsequent ECG is shown
(Figure 2):

A 19 year-old woman presents with palpitations. Continuous rhythm strip post adenosine is shown. What is the likely mechanism of tachycardia? Does this patient need an urgent ablation?

A/Prof Alex Voskoboinik, March 2023

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A 68 year old male with a long standing non-ischaemic cardiomyopathy is admitted with a NSTEMI and found to have triple vessel disease. On Day 1 post-CABGs, he complains of dizzy spells and the following is seen on telemetry.

A/Prof Alex Voskoboinik, February 2023

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A 16 year old girl with a history of recurrent paroxysmal palpitations and a structurally normal heart has the following 12-lead ECG recorded during an especially severe episode for which she obtained urgent medical assistance. 

Haris Haqqani, November 2022 

Read more for diagnoses and explanation:


A 57 year-old woman with a loop recorder in-situ for investigation of syncope presents to the emergency department with recurrent dizzy spells. Loop recorder tracings (1 & 2) are shown on the link below

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Alex Voskoboinik  October 2022

A 76 year-old gentleman presents for a pacemaker check 4 months post implant. High ventricular rate episodes are noted, as shown below. He is asymptomatic during episodes:

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Alex Voskoboinik  September 2022

A 28 year old nurse with a long history of paroxysmal palpitations has the following 12-lead ECG and 2-channel telemetry trace recorded during an episode.

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Haris M. Haqqani August 2022

A 38 year-old develops left arm and wrist pain while riding his bicycle.  A coronary angiogram is planned. What does the ECG left show?

Click here to find the answer 

Alex Voskoboinik July 2022

A 48 year-old male presents with 3 months of exertional dyspnoea.
He takes candesartan 8 mg daily and atenolol 50 mg daily for hypertension. ECG is shown left:

What is the most likely diagnosis?        Read more here to find the answer…

Alex Voskoboinik June 2022

Stem: A 29 year-old male presents with a 2 month history of frequent palpitations. Bedside TTE shows mild-moderate global LV dysfunction. What are the differential diagnoses?

Click here to read more and to find the answer 

Alex Voskoboinik May 2022

A 25 year-old male with no past history presents with palpitations.

What is the most likely diagnosis?    Why are there two QRS morphologies?

Alex Voskoboinik April 2022

Click here to read more and find the answer